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Pumpkin Marmalade

from salamandercookshop.com

This wonderfully golden Marmalade is a real treat on scones or used as a tart filling.


1.5kg Pumpkin

1 litre water

2 oranges, thinly sliced into semi circles

3 lemons, thinly sliced into semi circles

100g fresh ginger root, finely shredded

1 kg granulated or preserving sugar

carved pumpkins


Peel the pumpkin and remove all the seeds and fibres. 
Grate coarsely, trying to keep the strands as long as possible.
Put the pumpkin in a preserving pan and add the water, oranges, lemons and ginger. 
Bring to the boil and simmer for about 30 minutes until the citrus peel is tender.
Add the sugar and stir until dissolved. 
Bring back to the boil and cook over a medium heat for a further 30 minutes, by which stage the mixture should have thickened. 
Remove the pan from the heat and leave the fruit to settle for a few minutes. 
Pour into sterilized jars and seal. 

This recipe has a shelf life of about 2 years.


Originally published on the Salamander Cookshop Blog 


Why not try some of our other featured recipes such as Persian Apricot Chicken, Quince Cheese and Baked Halibut?





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