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The Truth About Installing Solar Panels in Colder Regions

There is this ongoing misconception that hot weather is needed for solar panels to work and that these will not function when it’s cold. Some people have been misguided to believe that solar panels are not efficient in locations where there is snow. However, many do not know that solar cells will continue to provide energy as long as they are exposed to just enough sunlight, irrespective of the temperature of your location. Solar panel installations will keep working overtime to get power from the sun. The energy stored is the cumulative result of daily exposure to sunlight, not on the exposure in just one or two days.

Here are some facts about the use of solar energy in countries with colder climates.

Use vertical orientation when installing solar panels

Most solar power installations are attached to the roof of buildings. But for those with colder climates, it would be best to have them attached to the side of the building where they are vertically installed. Ideally, these should be attached to the side of the building that receives the most amount of sunlight. This setup can be made possible with the help of expert solar panel installers like www.atlanticrenewables.co.uk.

The availability of sunlight striking the building matters

Some buildings will not have enough sunlight, and solar panels are not the best way to generate electricity. This fun fact is generally true whether you live in a place where the temperature is either hot or cold.

You can derive energy from the solar panels’ summer backup output

Even with low sunlight exposure, solar panels will continue to store energy. The system grid already held sufficient power during sunnier days. The energy stored during the solar panels’ exposure to sunlight during winter and summer is often enough to provide you with electricity during the colder months. It may also be best to get a quote from an installer for solar power installation during winter. Solar panels are not in demand during colder seasons which may let you purchase them at a more affordable price if you know how to negotiate.

Performance may be better during the winter season 

Solar panels are like a computer that works best when not hot because they are semiconductors. Many advances in technology have improved current solar panels sold today. Additionally, manufacturers continually invest in product testing to adhere to the highest standards. Finally, solar panels are required to endure extreme weather conditions such as heavy rains and typhoons.

It can be the best renewable energy during winter

Solar panels can provide you with continuous energy for your building and a much better alternative to other renewable energy sources. Unlike geothermal, hydro or tidal energy that requires the need for a power plant, you do not need such for solar panels. You just need a reputable solar panel installer, and you can already power up your building using solar energy.


A solar panel installation is a more dependable source of electrical energy in regions with colder climates. These are efficient, durable and convenient to use.