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How to Set Up a Gaming Room

The idea of setting up a new gaming room is exciting but it is also a bit daunting. Will you make the right decisions to give yourself a comfortable, relaxing place to play a few games? Or will you end up complaining more about aches and pains than about on-screen rivals when you play here?

The good news is that it isn’t particularly difficult to set up a gaming room once you know a few of the basic points to look out for. Whether you want to blast your way through Fortnite or score amazing goals on the latest FIFA title, you should be aware of the following matters.

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Choose the Right Chair

Your gaming chair is probably the most important element in the entire room. This is where you are going to spend hours sitting down and playing games. Therefore, it needs to be:

  • Completely ergonomic​ – This means that it is designed to fit your body perfectly, so that you can sit it in for hours without feeling any aches or pains.

  • The right size​ – Some chairs are designed for bigger, taller players who could feel cramped in smaller models.

  • Comfortable – The material that is used needs to be comfortable to the touch so that you feel like a king or queen as your play, but it also needs to be tough and durable enough to handle even long gaming sessions.

  • Adjustable – We aren’t all built in the same way. This is why you can’t expect any new gaming chair that you buy to be perfect for you right away. You need to be able to adjust the height, the armrests and so on for complete control.

  • Reclining position – The ability to recline back and stretch out is a huge bonus after a long playing session. Once you sample the pleasure of a reclining chair you won’t want to ever go without it.

  • Sturdy​ – If you like to play for hours and hours, you need a chair that is up for the challenge just like you are. A flimsy, low-quality chair is probably going to let you down and will turn out to be a poor purchase.

    Look at some of the latest gaming chair reviews to find something that suits your needs. You can then make an informed decision on which one suits your style too.

    The most important issue here is comfort. If you are going to spend hours ruling outer space or fighting against every kind of tough guy imaginable, you need to be sitting comfortably or else a bad back will weaken your powers more than any rocket launcher or giant axe can.

    Of course, the very best gaming chairs can be quite expensive, but they give you a far better experience through the use of quality materials. Budget options are often decent in the short-term but you need to choose wisely to avoid having to buy another before too long. we did a review of the secretlab omega gaming chair here 

    Get a Suitable Desk

Let’s not forget the importance of your gaming desk. This is a vital piece of equipment.

Even if you choose a top-quality gaming chair, the wrong type of desk will make playing more awkward than it should be.

In this case, the following options need to be taken into account.

  • The height​ – The wrong height of desk will make it impossible to use comfortably. It

    needs to combine with the height of your chair. It both the desk and chair can be adjusted then that is perfect.

  • The size – It makes sense to choose a desk that is big enough to hold everything that you might want on it. Just make sure that it fits into the space that you have set aside in your gaming room.

  • The shape – Once you see where you will be putting the desk, it will be easier to work out the shape that you need. Will it be going in a tight corner? Or will it be going against a long stretch of wall where a rectangular desk would be the best choice?

  • Storage spaceSome desks offer very limited storage space, while others give you lots of room for storing disks, accessories, good luck charms and anything else you want to have close to hand.

    Look for Accessories

    There are some worthwhile accessories that will give you an enhanced gaming room experience. Most of them are nice to have rather than essential, but you will feel a lot happier if you have the following items.

  • Speaker – A great, booming surround system will bring your gaming room alive. A cordless connection is a lot easier to set up and more flexible to change around over time.

  • Soundproofing or headphones – Not everyone in your house or the house next door wants to enjoy your gaming room as much as you do. Soundproofing it is the best solution, as this lets you crank up the volume to your heart’s content. A cheaper approach is to invest in some good headphones.

  • Giant screen – As a general rule, the bigger the screen the better the action. A giant TV or a projector screen looks fantastic in a gaming room. Just remember that a huge screen might be too big for a really small gaming room.

  • LightingIt is easy to overlook the important of great lighting when you set up a gaming room. The best idea is to install a dimmer, to be able to adjust to different games and moods. It also makes sense to have different, independent light sources around the room.

    Finishing It off

    As a finishing touch, you might like to add some extra personality to the room with a theme. This can mean anything from putting up some posters or your favourite games to painting cool images on the walls or adding a bunch of plush toys.

    Do you like to switch between types of console as you play? Some people like to set up a display cabinet or shelves with all of their different consoles and controllers on show. This is the kind of finishing touch that helps to personalise the room further.

Once you have got to this stage, let your imagination run wild as you think of possible themes. After that, it is just a question of enjoying your new gaming room and using it as often as you can.