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What Buyers Are Looking for in a Property

As a result of the pandemic we are now asking so much more from our homes, from green areas to a home office, and who can blame us? During the last two years, our homes became safe spaces and we came to reassess what we really needed from a home when it came to function.

With DIY projects accelerating during lockdowns along with garden makeovers and full renovations; unlocking the full potential of our house is a trend that shows no signs of slowing down. If you are looking to add value to your home, read on for tips on what prospective buyers are looking for in 2022.

A Home Office

Many companies have introduced a hybrid working model or in some cases have even gone fully remote. Gone are the days of going into the office from 9-5 Monday to Friday, which has left workers seeking a permanent home office space, and a space that allows them to separate work from their personal life. Houses that can offer a separate area, fitted out as an office are highly sought after along with outdoor office areas in the garden. Our need for space with specific functions is pushing up prices for those houses that can offer it.

The Games Room

Having a separate games room in the home is a trend that is continuing to rise, whether it’s your traditional space with a pool table, a more modern set-up for playing a games console, or even just a quiet space where you can catch up on a game of online bingo in peace. Buyers are seeking out space with multifunctional potential.

Outdoor Space

One thing that the pandemic taught us, is how valuable outdoor space is to our everyday life. Over the past two years, we have seen city dwellers moving to the countryside and those who once resided in apartments, seeking the outdoor space a house can offer. A well-presented garden, which doesn’t have to be huge, offers the homeowner a space to sit outside, tend to plants and breath in the fresh air. It’s not just houses that can offer this outdoor area, but apartments with balconies can appeal to a potential buyer, especially if you show the balcony space to its full potential by adding seating and plants.

A Modern Kitchen

Having a kitchen with space for a dining table is on the top of many wish lists when it comes to the ideal home. If you have the space available it may be worth changing your original kitchen layout around to maximise the space; showing the ideal family kitchen.

Are you able to add any of the above to your property? If so, it might just increase its value.