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Inspirational Ideas for Your Motorhome

Inspirational Ideas for Your Motorhome

The humble motorhome has seen a marked increase in popularity in recent years, as a staycation boom inspired Brits to seek out campervans and enjoy the freedoms they bring. Concurrently, a ‘tiny homes’ movement has inspired many to buy up old vans and kit them out for life on the road. Whatever the reason for your motorhome ownership, how might you approach sprucing yours up to make it feel more homely?

Entertainment System

Motorhome ownership is a significant investment, with motorhome insurance and other running costs forming vital financial considerations. With the volume of investment you put behind running your motorhome, you should be sure you’re getting the most out of it. One key way to do this is through modernising your motorhome’s living space.

Modernising your motorhome space can be done in several different ways, but installing a modern entertainment system can give you the most return on your investment. Voice-activated speaker hubs mean you can access music and information hands-free, whether on the road or cooking at your next stop. A small smart TV can keep the kids entertained on family trips, and allow home-from-home relaxation on short trips.


It can be easy to forget that your motorhome is more than a means to an end. It is a living space in and of itself, and you are allowed to make it feel more like a living space. Rather than settling for the bare minimum, why not spruce up the space with a hint of life?

Adding houseplants of any kind may seem like a recipe for disaster in a mobile home – where one sharp turn can upend your plants, and coat everything in a fine layer of soil. However, there are ways you can introduce a bit of freshness to your motorhome without creating a hazard. For one, ‘double-potting’ plants can give them the stability to survive sharp turns. For another, shelving can be installed to hold plants in place while displaying them.


The next change you should focus on making relates to lighting. All too often, motorhomes – especially older campervans – rely on ineffective electric lighting and sunroofs to provide the light. But these can be easily usurped by modern interventions that transform your motorhome into a really cosy space.

LED lighting has become a much more viable form of lighting, lasting for thousands of hours and providing options for easy customisation. You can use LED lighting strips to create ambient illuminations under surfaces, or install your own colour-changing LED bulbs to give you more control over the mood in the cabin.


Lastly, you can turn your attention to the cabin itself. The walls and floors will not reflect your personality straight out of the showroom, or from the hands of another seller. An afternoon of wallpapering and installing new flooring can make your motorhome feel brand-new. Fixing rugs to the floor with tape can give it a homely feel without introducing a hazard.


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