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How to Brighten Up Your Home’s Interior Decor

Many people trace the current cost-of-living crisis back to the coronavirus pandemic, during which point unemployment soared as thousands of businesses were forced to close their doors to customers.

Despite this, however, spending on home renovation and modification soared through 2020 and much of 2021. During this time, spending of this type grew by a staggering 36%, peaking at a staggering £15,000 in the UK.

Of course, the recent hike in energy and food prices has hit many households hard. So, what creative steps can you take to brighten up your interior décor without spending the earth in 2022? Let’s find out!

#1. Make the Most of Natural Light

One of the best and most affordable ways of brightening your interior is to make the most of natural light sources. You should look to amplify these, and there are a couple of ways in which you can achieve this objective.

Firstly, you should utilise different types of glazing to ensure that the optimal level of natural light penetrates different rooms. We’d also recommend leaving space between different pieces of furniture, as this creates an even better-lit room that may look bigger than it actually is.

You could also place mirrors of different types near natural light sources. This helps to reflect the light and create the illusion of space; using mirrors of different shapes and sizes according to the space.

You could also place mirrors close to synthetic sources of light, including candles and fairy lights which can be used to create unusual angles and types of illumination.

#2. Be Selective with Your Paint Choices

If your objective is to create a lighter and brighter interior, you must be selective when it comes to choosing paint.

This is particularly important in relation to specific spaces. For example, lighter paint colours should be used in rooms that are naturally darker and starved of natural light, whereas slightly darker and more vivid tones may offer value in lighter spaces.

So, when decorating a typically small and dark bathroom space, you should consider painting the walls with a light blue or warm white shade.

This will help you to make the most of your space while creating a clearly defined colour scheme that’s aesthetically pleasing.

#3. Don’t Forget About Your Fixtures and Fittings

We’ve already described how leaving space between your items of furniture can help to capture natural light, but such fixtures and fittings can play a much broader role in helping to brighten your interior.

For example, the use of transparent furniture helps to lighten the space and make the interior appear much larger.

You should also ditch any heavy or dark curtains and carpet where possible, instead favouring lighter materials and installing laminate or hardwood flooring.

We’d also recommend using bright floor rugs to add a hint of colour and vibrancy while creating a neat contrast with dark wooden flooring.