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7 Things to Consider Before Getting An Air Source Heat Pump For Your Home

Investing in Air source heat pumps is a long-time and smart investment.

While the initial investment is high, the air source heat pump will make up for the difference by saving you money in the long run. It will cut down costs from other factors.

Convinced to get one for yourself? We are here with our list of 8 things to consider before getting an air source heat pump for your home.

What is an Air Source Heat Pump?

An Air Source Heat Hump is used as a means of heating your home. They act as a replacement for traditional gas boilers. But they offer less heat than traditional boilers. So they need to be skilfully designed and insulated to make sure that it’s working efficiently.

There are mainly two kinds of Air Source Heat Pumps:

  • Air to Air heat pumps
  • Air to Water heat pumps


7 Things to Consider Before Getting an Air Source Heat Pump for Your Home:

1. Your Budget and Costs

Again ASHPs are a long-term and expensive investment. To give you an idea, here is a rough breakdown of the costs associated:

An air source heat pumps can cost between £5,000-£8,000. Add £750-100 per kW to it on top of the base costs. So it can cost anywhere between £6000-£15000+.

2. The Brand

Always opt for reputable brands when selecting any electronic systems. Ideally, you should choose brands that have been in the game for a long time. If you are struggling to find one, then the best thing for you is to ask around your neighbourhood.

Another thing you can do is check for online reviews. Check for verified customer reviews and their feedback to get an idea of the model you are looking to buy.

3. The Condition of Your Home

This is a very important step people often overlook. Before buying or investing in an ASHP, have your home assessed and inspected in person by a professional engineer.

A professional engineer will check things like the state of insulation in your house, the windows, walls, roofs, etc. They will take into account the EPC or Energy Performance Certificate. An EPC certificate shows your house’s energy consumption and its efficiency.

If they see that your home isn’t fully insulated, they will recommend steps to ensure proper insulation and then proceed to install the ASHP.

4. The CoP

Ever wondered how efficient is a heat pump? CoP is a fancy term that means Coefficient of Performance. It is a numerical value that shows how efficient the ASHP is at converting electricity to heat. So a general rule of thumb is to opt for an Air Source Heat Pump with a high CoP.

5. Installation of the Air Source Heat Pump

The installation of an ASHP system is a fairly tedious process. That is because engineers will install not only the outdoor pump but also your existing radiators and indoor elements.

For most houses, it can take anywhere between 4-5 days at least. And another thing to note is you will be without heating and without hot water for those days. So if you are planning to renovate and get an ASHP system, you should take that into consideration.

Again another very important thing you should ensure when installing your ASHP system is the engineer doing the work. Ideally, the engineer you hire should be MCS certified. This means that the engineer has the necessary industry-specific training and skills to install the ASHP system.

6. The Noise

The installation of an ASHP system is quite disruptive not just for the homeowners but for the neighbours as well. Since it involves drilling and renovation, things can get quite loud and annoying. So as a good neighbor, always give your neighbours a heads up and apologize in advance.

7. Permits and Regulations

Certain areas and neighbourhoods may require you to have permits and approvals for the installation of the ASHP systems. So always check and ask your local authorities before you begin installation and make sure you have all the necessary permits and you are in compliance of all the building codes and regulations.

Why Should You Get An Air Source Heat Pump?

There are many reasons to get an Air Source Heat Pump. Some of the most common reasons are:

  • They are more efficient than traditional gas boilers.
  • Their running costs are lower in the long run.
  • Air source heat pumps require less maintenance.
  • ASHPs are green and have lower carbon footprints.
  • You can combine them with solar panels.
  • They take up less space than boilers.

Things To Consider Before Getting An Air Source Heat Pump?

These are some of the things you need to consider:

  • Electricity: You will need electricity to power your ASHP system unless you have a solar panel system.
  • The Climate and Temperature: ASHPs are most efficient in moderate climates. This means that the lower the difference between the outside temp and your target temp, the more efficient the AHSP system is going to be
  • The size of the pump: There is no universal size for an AHSP system. So you should be prepared to accommodate a large system.
  • The Existing Insulation: Always ensure that your home is properly insulated. Because a poorly insulated home will lower the efficiency of any Air source heat pump, regardless of how good it is.
  • Maintenance Costs: Just getting an ASHP system isn’t the end of the story. You need to put it through regular maintenance in order to ensure it’s working optimally. Again ASHP systems are long-term and expensive investments, so you should have it checked routinely to ensure it lasts for a long time.


ASHP systems are a great investment. It not only provides comfort but also lowers your costs in the long run. Now that you know more about these systems, we hope we were able to help you in your decision-making and help you make your investment smartly.