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How to convert a van into a camper

How to convert a van into a camper 

With summer just around the corner, it’s the ideal time to make sure you’re ready for a holiday. The COVID-19 pandemic helped us recognise the wonders of a British staycation and they’re expected to remain popular for many years to come. 

If you’re not a fan of traditional camping but hotels aren’t your style, a camper is a great option. With all the freedom of a caravan, the comfort of your home and the amenities of a hotel, they have it all! 

You can travel across the country with ease and enjoy the best Britain has to offer. So, if you’re sitting at home wondering whether to convert your van into a camper, here’s all the information you need to get started.  

Set a budget  

Converting a camper can be as expensive or as cheap as you’d like, it depends on how luxurious you want it to be. 

Setting a budget is sensible for keeping costs in check and making the project easier to manage. However, before starting something of this scale, take a closer look at your finances. 

Once you’ve set a budget, you can begin planning your interior and any added extras you’d like in your camper.  

Choose your van 

If you already have a van ready to go, you can probably skip this part. But if you don’t have one readily available, keep reading. When converting a van, it’s always wise to pick a second-hand vehicle to keep costs down. What’s more, you won’t mind making structural changes or going bold with the interior.  

Design your layout  

Campers come in all shapes and sizes, but their final design is determined by what you need from the space. Is it just you? Are you travelling as a couple or a family? Do you need space for a dog? These are all important questions to ask yourself before designing your layout.  

Choose materials and décor  

If you’re a budding interior designer, this is the project for you. With a blank canvas, you can create your masterpiece. 

People often choose a colour scheme and stick with it throughout, as this can make a small space look and feel cohesive. However, if you want to go wild with colours – go for it! Just make sure it feels like home.  

When choosing your soft furnishings, don’t pick the most expensive options. As you’re travelling out and about, you’ll find muddy boots and wet coats may start to test the durability of your design. Opting for cheaper cushions, blankets, crockery, etc. is a smart choice as you won’t mind replacing them.  
