The content of these pages has been gathered from many differentsources and in a lot of cases has been passed down from generation to generation.All this information is given in good faith and is intended for generalinformation only for personal use of the reader who accepts fullresponsibility for it’s use.
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Whilst I have made every effort to ensure the information iscorrect, I cannot be held responsible for any errors or omissions, or for the results obtainedfrom the use of this information. All information on this site is provided “asis”.
For instance, all the cocktail recipes may well be tried and testedbut I will not be held responsible for the massive hangover if you try them all in onenight!!!
Since inception a lot of the content has been receivedfrom visitors to the site – the origin of this material is accepted in goodfaith and I cannot be held responsible for any submissions wrongly claimedto be by the poster. Nor am I responsible for the authenticity and/oraccuracy of any material supplied by third party sites.
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Anything on this site is notintended in any way to be a replacement for, or as a substitute to,qualified medical advice. If you think you are suffering from a medicalcondition, consult your doctor or other appropriately qualified person orservice.